Webcast Title: Regulatory Ethics – North Carolina CPA’s Regulatory Ethics Update (December 2013; January 2014 And February 2014).
CPE Hours: 2 CPE Credit Hours.
Come join Larry Stein as he reviews selected current developments involving the North Carolina Rules Of Professional Conduct And Ethics. This webcast course will highlight the common ways that North Carolina CPAs get “into trouble” (ethics “hot water,” violations, etc.). Larry will focus on the North Carolina Rules Of Professional Conduct And Ethics. The discussion will include the following topics--integrity, objectivity, independence, competence, adherence to professional standards and responsibilities in tax practice, confidentiality, discreditable acts, advertising, retention of client records, and much more. Larry Stein will also review IRC 7216 and IRC 6713, including the impact on privacy and confidentiality.
Learning Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this webcast, the participants will be able to:
Explain selected provisions of the North Carolina rules governing the Professional Conduct and Ethics of CPAs in North Carolina.
Explain some of the common ways that CPAs get in trouble under the North Carolina Ethical Code Of Conduct.
Major Topics:
CPE Requirements – Certificates Of Completion; Increasing Your Professional Competency; Required Hours; Inactive CPAs.
CPE Sponsors – National Registry Of CPE Sponsors – NASBA; The New NASBA – AICPA Standards – Statement On Standards For Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs (Revised January 2012).
Professional Conduct – Independence, Integrity, And Objectivity.
Inactive Status – Deletion – Retired Status – Change Of Status.
Mailing Addresses, Contact Information, And The Mandate To Notify The North Carolina State Board Of Certified Public Accountant Examiners.
Discreditable Conduct; Discipline By Federal And State Authorities; Deceptive Conduct; Moral Conduct Data – Renewals.
Permitted And Prohibited Forms Of Advertising; Internet Advertising.
Competence And Professional Standards – North Carolina CPAs; AICPA Statements On Standards For Tax Services – Responsibilities In Tax Practices; Engagement Letters And Quality Control.
Peer Review, AICPA Professional Standards, And The AICPA Statements On Quality Control Standards.
Small Firms, Independence, AICPA Ethics Interpretations And The North Carolina CPA; Attest Vs. Non-Attest Services.
Confidentiality, Professional Conduct And Client Records; Responding To A Subpoena; IRC 7216 And 6713 – Privacy Standards – Treasury And IRS Standards.
Designed For: This live webcast course is designed for North Carolina (N.C.) CPAs (with 5 or more years of experience) interested in a review of selected current developments involving the N.C. Rules Of Professional Conduct And Ethics.
NASBA Fields Of Study: Ethics (Regulatory Ethics).
Level: Intermediate.
Presentation Method: Live Webcast Lecture With Questions And Answers.
Recommended CPE Credit Hours: 2 CPE credit hours.
Advanced Preparation: Basic knowledge of the North Carolina CPA Code Of Conduct (both the administrative code rules and statutes).
Texas Registration: 009838
“I have registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of my CPE program.”
NASBA Information:
Stein CPE Live Webinars
ID# 109111
Lawrence J Stein
9620 NW
82nd Street
Tamarac, FL 33321
Phone: 954.721.5588
Larry Stein CPE Live Webinars is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN, 37219-2417. Web site: www.nasba.org
CAUTIONS: Terms And Policies:
Registration online at https://larrysteincpe.webex.com.
Webcast fees are generally non-cancellable.
Exception: If there is a technology related problem caused by Larry Stein CPE Live Webinars (NASBA ID Number 109111), then full refunds or coupons will be offered.
The webcasts are live – they will not be canceled where there are at least two (2) participants in attendance.
I recommend that you test your computer and system compatibility by going to CISCO’s Webex website – www.webex.com.
I recommend that you sign on early – at least 15 minutes before the broadcast.
I “poll” (ask polling questions at random) – you must “poll” at least 75% of the time to obtain a CPE certificate.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions during the live webcast.
These webcasts are “Individual Computer” Live CPE Webcasts – one user per computer – an individual user/individual IP log-on product. The CPE certificate will only be issued to the individual CPA who successfully polls at least 75% of the time and is logged on for the complete webcast.
I email a CPE certificate to you one week after your successful completion of the webcast. I check your polling and your log-on time.
See www.larrysteinonline.com and www.larrysteincpe.com for more details and my biography. If you have any questions, complaints, concerns, etc., please email me at taxman532@hotmail.com. Thank you!